CCI has been supplying professional quality knives and tools to Professional Chefs, the Food Service industry and Culinary Schools throughout North America for more than 65 years!
2011 Honorary American Academy of Chefs (HAAC) Inductee for our commitment to chef training and education.
2013 Peter and Mary Louise Huebner of Canada Cutlery Inc. were presented “Cutting Edge Award #50” by Chef Michael Ty, CEC, AAC at the 2013 ACF National Convention in Las Vegas.
2014 Associate Member of the Year, MDCA Muskoka District Chefs Association
Mary Louise Huebner, HBBA, HAAC
VP and Marketing Director
Peter Huebner, HAAC
Kristen Latona, OCD, BCOM
Office Manager
Connor Brown, OCAD
Marketing Coordinator
CCI has a team of highly motivated professionals dedicated to providing the customer with maximum professionalism and integrity. Our team is trained to provide our customers with excellent service, high quality products and the knowledge to help you make informed decisions. Just like our team, CCI strives for excellence in approach, in product and results attained. This is the CCI way.
It's the raised thick part between the blade and the handle, which usually distinguishes the knife as fully forged.
The bolster acts as a guard providing safety, balance, sturdiness, and comfort.
Beware of companies that manufacture knives with an imitation bolster as these knives are invariably poorer in quality compared to a "one piece fully forged" knife.
These are our current best sellers.