Congratulations on your purchase of CCI's quality products! Rest assured that CCI stands behind its products and guarantees them against defects resulting from the original workmanship and materials.
If you believe the product you have purchased is defective due to original workmanship or materials, please send an email to:Sales@CanadaCutlery.com
In this email, please include the following information:
Our goal is to help you, and we will be in touch as soon as we can after receiving your email. At its discretion, CCI may decide to repair or replace the product. Please be advised that transportation charges to and from CCI are your responsibility.
If the item is not covered under warranty, other options are available, such as repair at reasonable cost, or a discount on a replacement. Our goal is to ensure your satisfaction.
What is not covered by warranty:
If a repair is needed, please send us an email, with the information identified above. If a repair is possible, we will let you know the cost.
Thank you for your trust and confidence in CCI products.
It's the raised thick part between the blade and the handle, which usually distinguishes the knife as fully forged.
The bolster acts as a guard providing safety, balance, sturdiness, and comfort.
Beware of companies that manufacture knives with an imitation bolster as these knives are invariably poorer in quality compared to a "one piece fully forged" knife.
These are our current best sellers.